Tips to Stop Wasting Food

Most of us don’t set out to waste food. We do our best, but there are still times when we have to justify throwing something out. This could be some bread that we didn’t get around to finishing, some yogurt, fruit, or even some neglected leftovers. We’re of course not thrilled to be throwing these things away. Most of us understand the various short-term and long-term consequences of wasting food, to both ourselves, and to the world at large.
Concerns About Wasting Food
Food waste can create methane gases in landfills, which is one of the major contributors to climate change. For these reasons alone, not to mention the fact that wasted resources could have been used to theoretically feed more people, are all things to keep in mind. It compels us to face the reality that if anything is going to change for the better in terms of wasting food, then all of us will need to reevaluate our behavior.
Unfortunately, making changes in this arena can prove to be easier said than done. To be fair, people have a lot of questions about food in terms of saving, preserving it, and expiration dates. There are also naturally concerns related to cleanliness and health. After all, no one wants to get sick from eating something that’s gone bad.
The good news is that there are several things you can do in order to lessen food wastage. These are things you can do that will not put your health at risk and better yet, they’re super simple!
How To Stop Wasting Food
• Keep a diary: For one week, keep a diary of all the food that you throw out. If possible, figure out how much you throw out in a given day, how much money you’re wasting each day, and why you threw the items out in the first place. At the end of the week, you should have a clear idea of your behavior. At this point, you can likely spot and make a number of simple changes on your own.
• Make a list: Before you go shopping, make sure you have a list that is as specific as possible. This can prevent you from buying stuff you don’t need or buying too much of something.
• Storage: Make sure you are storing things correctly, including fruit like apples and oranges.
• Ask around: There are groups on Facebook and elsewhere that are dedicated to helping people reduce the amount of food they waste. Don’t be afraid to explore these resources for yourself.