Waterloo Encounters a Green Bin Shortage while Garbage Rules Change

Waterloo Region has recently changed its policy on urban waste collection, and they’ve encountered a problem. The day after the new policy was put into place, the demand for green bins surpassed the supply by a shocking amount.
Over 20,000 green bins were given out last year alone, compared to the annual norm of around 6,000. And now, only four months into this year, over 11,000 more have been distributed. Despite those somewhat frightening statistics, the situation is by no means unfixable.
The heightened demand for green bins in the city indicates that its citizens are dedicated to the cause, and already were before the waste program had even changed. When the new rules became valid, an unmanageable amount of bins was needed, and staff is working hard to produce more.
Waste management began creating and delivering green bins to houses seven years ago, and demand has been inconsistent since then. Although the backup green bin supply has been used up, the stockpile should be full again by the end of the month.
Waterloo Region reportedly still has some blue boxes up for grabs. Homeowners should keep a close eye on their district’s website for relevant updates.