Weather Conditions force Researchers to Cancel Climate Change Study

Talk about irony! The first stage of the CCGS Amundsen’s Hudson Bay System study had to be abandoned when the research team discovered ice from the Arctic moving with the ocean at a dangerous pace. Ironically, this unusual ice migration is a result of climate change.
Unable to proceed with phase one, the climate change research project has been put on hold despite its expected four-year duration and hefty $17 million cost. The ship carrying the forty researchers from five different Canadian universities would have arrived past the peak time for observing climate-related events relevant to the study.
Fortunately, the study participants were able to determine with their tools and data where the ice had come from, taking with them information about the water, ice, and weather at the site.
The changes observed in the ocean’s Arctic ice mean there are now shorter and thinner pieces with a greater capacity to move around, which will hinder passing ships and the lives of Arctic animals. However, there could still be a solution that hasn’t come to light yet.
According to the company’s director, the 2017 Amundsen Expedition will recommence on July 6th, and the research team will work hard to stop and perhaps reverse climate change.
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