Waste Collection Laws Broken by Garbage on St. Clair Ave, Toronto

Driving down on St. Clair, west of Brimley Rd. there looked like what seemed to be a house that exploded with garbage! It was an eye sore to say the least. With a curb piled high will all types of debris, it was clear that this did not meet the bylaws of the City of Toronto.
Apparently, someone wasn’t too knowledgeable on the rules of the area or simply did not care. It was like a spring cleaning job that went horribly wrong. The mess contained everything from an old and used computer desk to an open bag of rice. The makeshift garbage dump must have violated every bylaw regarding garbage collection.
We need to keep in mind that open garbage like this that has not been put into containers can attract many different unwanted critters, such as rats and raccoons. Your neighbors will no doubt not take kindly to this type of behavior as well. To be quite honest, the garbage pile had already looked as if a critter had taken advantage of the pile and tried to get to the goods for first pickings. With a big city like Toronto, it is not difficult to acquire a rat problem, but with people strewing around garbage like this, it is like a Christmas feast for them. Leave it to the professionals to say that once you have a rodent problem, it can be quite difficult to get rid of them afterwards.
After reaching out to the solid waste company with a picture of the scene, a spokesperson responded back saying that the resident who put out the garbage has been indeed ticketed for multiple violations. This includes not putting items in their proper waste containers, not being put on their correct collection date, not breaking down boxes, etc.
City residents are encouraged to reach out to the city’s solid waste website for more information regarding the bylaws on garbage collection. There is also a calendar that is delivered each year specific to neighborhoods that will determine which collection is carries out which week. You can also request a new copy of this calendar. It is your one stop shop to knowing everything you need to know about your local garbage collection. Since then, the hideous curb has been cleared before the violations were given out. The City of Toronto and its municipalities have taken great pride in their waste collection so it’s always shocking to see something of this magnitude right in front of our eyes.
If you have a big clean up to carry out there are easier ways, not to mention legal ways, of doing it. Hire a rubbish disposal company who can provide you with a bin to throw out all your unneeded belongings. Donating unwanted items is also a good way of getting rid of things while being able to give back to your community. When in doubt, unless you want to be stuck with multiple violation tickets, hire a junk removal company so that you can get rid of your junk without breaking the law!