7 Ways to Improve Waste Management at Home

Trash day is typically the only time we really give some thought to our trash cans. After all, it’s just a container we put our waste into and off it goes once a week. Despite the seeming insignificance of a trash can, it can get gross, develop issues, and requires cleaning. Here are the top 7 ways to improve your trash can instantly.
Recycling can help cut into how much goes into your waste bin, sometimes in a pretty big way. Create a separate recycling bin for items that your community accepts as recycling. If there is no direct pick-up, you may be able to drop off your recyclables at different places across the city.
Reduce Food Waste
Rotten food in the trash leads to spills, messes, and stains. By setting up a garbage disposal or a compost pile in your yard, you can cut down on the food that goes into your trash. Any items that do need to be trashed, do your best to make sure they are bagged properly.
Buckle down on Odors
Trash can odor is among the most common issues with trash cans. There are a range of things you can do to take care of this odor including sprinkling baking soda, kitty litter, or using dryer sheets. Each of these items take care of foul smells and there are other products that will do the same thing as well.
Put Holes in the Bottom, if it’s outside
Trash cans can easily accumulate liquid when left outside. By drilling holes in the bottom, it’ll be easier to wash out the inside and subsequently also allows rainwater to drain out with no issues. To rinse a trash can after the holes are out, using an outdoor hose is usually enough to take care of it.
Where you store it, this depends on your Preference
There are some people who prefer outside however critics would say this attracts bugs and animals. Then, there are others who prefer indoors however one could argue that this will only attract insects into the home. Thus, the answer to the question of where to store your garbage can is up to the person.
Don’t miss Garbage Day
Missing trash day will leave bags of trash in your home for another week. This is bad news. Ideally, you don’t want trash sticking around longer than it has to. Do what you need to do to remind yourself to get the trash out in time.
Inspect the Trash Can after Pick-up
After your garbage has been picked up, inspect the trash can to judge whether it needs to be cleaned or not. Take a moment to tidy them up a bit if it’s needed. Rinsing out a trash can and letting it air-dry can go a long way from preventing issues from happening. Mild dish soap also works if there’s been a particularly messy spill.
When one really starts to think about it, it’s the little things that make all the difference when it comes to trash cans. By keeping them clean and ensuring waste is minimized, you end up with a cleaner home and a more productive waste removal system.